Saturday, April 02, 2016


“RELATIONSHIP” – We often think of a love relationship which has
boyfriend-girlfriend, spouse or Friends when we hear the term. But everyone has forgotten the real meaning behind it. It’s no quantum physics, just a bond that two people share and nurture. A boat been sailed by 2 or more people.

Today, people are misunderstanding this word and name their faux and cliché bond as a relationship. How often do you come across people who put “In a relationship” but then gone to “Its Complicated”, at least handful of them? If you put or rather bind yourself in a relation, ideally it’s not meant to be broken even if it’s sour. Consider it a bit old school, but relation is never good if they are over ripped or too sweet. Sour and Sweet goes hand in hand.

Dating is just living in the present and no long term but relationship are usually long-term with planning of future – not immediately but you have it on the back of your mind. Dating is flexible but relationship is fragile. Dating can be broken when you don’t want it anymore but relationship are one you don’t wanna give up even when times get rough and you are brittle. Now I don’t want to scare you with being in relationships and I know my
words intend to differ my thoughts but THINK. Think before you get INTO someone or rather relationship coz it looks easy at first but it’s not as easy as walking in the garden.

There will be times when you will feel like giving up altogether or end
everything but you got to hold on to it, not because it’s the right thing
but because you don’t want to give up on that person. Love does that to
you. In the midst of misery, it gives you a reason to smile and even when it doesn’t give you, you always have memories to cherish.  It may seem complicated but it’s easy. What you sow is what you reap.

The bottom line is simply love, expecting something will always result in you being hurt. Not because the other person is not doing his/her bit but because everyone has a unique way to love. Some show by action, some are clingy, some fight for no reason (Like ME) and some just love without any

           LOVE LIVE LAUGH